If you are struggling to pay your rent, don't wait until it's too late.
Your home is probably one of the most important expenses and wherever possible you should try your best to continue to make your rent payments.
There may be a whole host of reasons why you are having financial difficulties and it's best to be honest with your landlord as you may be surprised as to how understanding and helpful they may be.
Pick up the phone and speak to them as soon as you can. If you cannot pay all of the rent come to some arrangement to pay some of it or agree a payment plan. Once you have agreed on a payment plan, try your best to maintain this agreement and pay off as much as you are able to.
Communication is key, if matters improve or get worse talk to your landlord. Look into whether you are entitled to any benefits or additional support. No landlord wants to evict a good tenant and most landlords will want to communicate and help their tenant.