As part of your tenancy, your landlord may want to carry out regular property visits.
You may want to discuss with the landlord about the frequency of these appointments. Best practice is usually to visit every quarter or every 6 months.
The visit will give the tenant the opportunity to check that they are happy with the property and highlight any problems they may have early on.
It will also make sure the tenant is happy with the rental payment arrangements and if they have any issues with payment or are late it gives them a chance to discuss this.
You may want to check your tenancy agreement as the frequency of inspections may be indicated there.
Why does the landlord do them?
- check the property for any repairs or refurbishments required
- to check for any problems from the neighbours
- to see if there are any issues with the tenancy terms
- to give the tenant an opportunity to raise any issues face to face
- to see if any updates/changes are required to the inventory
- to look for problems for which the landlord may be liable
It's worth noting the landlord is not there to check the tenants lifestyle.
How much notice should the landlord give?
This is normally noted in the agreement and by law must be at least 24 hours notice in writing of the intended visit.
The tenant does not need to be present.
The landlord may want to suggest an appointment range or a specific time. The tenant may need to negotiate a time if they want to be present.
Can a tenant deny access?
As a tenant you may not want the landlord to access the property on a certain occasion. We would always recommend to communicate with the landlord to arrange the best time and date to suit both the tenant and landlords requirements.
Can a tenant change the locks?
The tenant can change the locks however if they do so it is recommended they discuss this with the landlord and provide the landlord with a copy of the new keys.